Using Bigger Power Supply Than Necessary

Electronic devices require a power source, one of which is an adapter. The need for electrical devices is usually expressed in voltage and current, e.g. 12 volts, 5 amperes. One of the most confusing problems is what if the adapters available for the voltage match, but the ones are bigger than necessary.




Examples of the issue are as follows:

Sorry to ask about the adapter.
Is the adapter 12 volt 5 Ampere (Think of pure 5 ampere), it means he took out the voltage 12 Volt and 5 Ampere constant cur
rent? Or flows that are issued only fit the load that is passed?
For example, the load is 12 volt 1A, if the adapter is 12 Volt 5 A, then The adapter outputs only 12 volt 1A to fit its load?

Or instead, the lights can be damaged due to the output of the full 5 Ampere adapter.


A widely sold adapter can generally be viewed as a voltage source. This means the adapter maintains constant voltage, while current changes as needed. The adapter has a maximum current limit, above the limit that the voltage cannot be guarded (down) or the fuse is broken.

So the use of an adapter that is very much bigger than necessary is not a problem. The Adaptor will provide the voltage as stated (e.g. 12 volts), while the supplied current will be adjusted to the current required by the electronic device. Usually the required current will vary depending on what the device is working on.

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