Electronic system with Analog signal and Digital signal

An analog signal can be converted into digital and vice versa. This technique has several benefits. In this paper only discussed examples of applications that are LTI (Linear Time Invariant).

Here are examples of some systems in which there are analog signals and digital signals:

  • Digital filters
  • Digital Equalizer
  • Digital recorders
  • Digital communications

Theories to Master:

  • Analog Circuit
    • Analog Filter (LPF, HPF)
    • Circuit amplifier (pensum, amplifier)
    • DC power supply, including the regulator
  • Interfacing & Microprocessors
    • Microprocessor Programming with C language
    • Analog input on the microprocessor
    • Analog output on the microprocessor
    • ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)
    • DAC (Digital to Analog Converter_
    • Interruptions in microprocessors
    • Quantization error on ADC/DAC
  • Digital Signal Processing:
    • Analog/Digital Equalizer
    • Design based on the frequency response
    • Multirate on PSD
    • Digital Filters (LPF, HPF, BPF, BSF)
    • Oversampling on digital signal processing
    • Undersampling/decimation on the digital signal processing

Digital Filter

Digital filter System
Digital filter System

In this system, the analogue signal was changed into digital, so that the process of filtering (Tapisan) digitally. After that the signal is returned to analog signal.

Common Types of Potion:

  • LPF: Low pass filter
  • HPF: High pass filter
  • BPF: Band pass Filter
  • BSF: Band Stop Filter

The filter can be done in the analog domain, but in some cases there are excess on digital filters, so it is better if the filter process is performed in the digital domain.

Digital Equalizer

Digital Equalizer System
Digital Equalizer System

In this system the analog signal was changed first to digital, to be done the equalization process digitally. After that the signal is returned to analog signal.

The equalization process is the process of changing the frequency composition on a signal (Wikipedia)

Digital Recorder

Digital Recorder System
Digital Recorder System

In this system the analogue signal was changed first to digital, to be then stored in a media. After that the saved signal can be read and issued at another time. After that the signal is returned to analog signal.

Digital Communication System

Digital communication System
Digital communication System

In this system the analogue signal was changed first to digital, to be then sent by the transmitter through a communication media. In the receiver the signal is changed again into a digital signal.. After that the signal is returned to analog signal.

Digital communication has some advantages over analog communication.

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