Evaluating Water Pressure Sensor for Measuring Pressure in Engine Combustion Chamber

One of the parameters that need to be measured on a fuel motor is compression pressure. Questions to try answered: whether the water pressure sensor can be used to measure compression pressure, considering that the pressure gauge is very useful to use in a motorcycle workshop.

First let’s check what happens to the compression of motor fuels.

In the case of compression, the pressure will increase, and the fuel temperature increases as well. The increase can be calculated with the formula P. V = n.R. T, but the measurement results may not be exactly 100% with the calculation because there is no idea here and there.

The initial pressure of the fuel Chamber is 1 atmosphere, when the pressure compression will rise according to the compression ratio. The Motor is usually a compression ratio between 9.5 to 11.6, so consider that pressure will rise from 1 atmosphere to 11.6 atmospheres. Temperature will also increase, from some reference temperature number around 300 degrees Celsius.

Next let’s check the specifications of the water pressure sensor. The datasheets are more or less like the following link: https://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/Seeed%20Technology/114991178_Web.pdf


Water pressure Sensor
Water pressure Sensor

Specifications are important according to the datasheet:

  • Wokring Voltage: DC 5 ± 0.5 V
  • Working Current: ≤ 10mA (DC 5V)
  • Working Voltage: DC 0.5 ~ 4.5 V
  • Working Pressure Rate Range: 0 ~ 1.2 Mpa
  • Max. Pressure: 2.4 Mpa
  • Destructive Pressure: 3.0 Mpa
  • Working Temperature:-20 ~ + 105 Ԩ
  • Storage Temperature:-20 ~ + 105 Ԩ
  • Measurement Accuracy: ± 1.5% FS
  • Response Time: ≤ 2.0 ms
  • IP65
  • Cycle Life: 1 million PCs

The pressure limit is 1.2 Mpa, or 1.2 x 9.86923 = 11.843976 Atmosphere, while compression pressure is 11.6 atmosphere, so the sensor is still qualified from the pressure aspect.

The temperature limit is 105 degrees Celsius, so this sensor cannot be used because the temperature of the fuel can reach 300 degrees Celsius.


Water pressure sensor is not suitable to measure pressure on a combustion engine chamber.

Clock Source Solutions for Electronic System

Some electronic circuits require a clock with a certain frequency to be able to work, for example, a microprocessor/microcontroller system and a synchronous digital circuit. In this article we outlined several clock sources with various accuracy.

In brief, commonly used clock sources are as follows:

  • Inductor-based oscillator/capacitor
  • Crystal-based oscillators: crystal only, temperature compensated crystals (TCXO and MCXO), crystal with oven (OCXO), Crystal with GPS (GPSDO)

Inductor & Capacitor based Oscillators Clock Circuit

Oscillators produce sinusoidal waves with a certain frequency. Generally oscillators are made with passive components of resistors, inductors and capacitors, as well as active components of transistors or op-amps.

The frequency of signals generated on this type of circuit depends on the inductor/capacitor value used. The inductors/capacitors are subject to change due to temperature timing or effect, so the frequency of the resulting signal is also changed, hence the frequency accuracy is low.

Here is an example of a series of oscillators with active components transisto[sumber]r.

Oscillators with transistors circuit
Oscillators with transistors

Here is an example of a relaxation oscillator with an active component op-amp. [sumber]

Oscillators with op-amps as clock source circuit
Oscillators with op-amps


Crystal-based Oscillators Circuit

In this type of oscillator, the clock signal is generated using a piezoelectric material that vibrates with a certain frequency. The vibration frequency of the piezoelectric material is determined by its size, so the frequency of the resulting signal can be very precise.

The crystal frequency value is generally expressed for certain temperatures. The physical size of the crystals is affected by temperature, so if the temperature changes, the frequency of the resulting clock signal also changes.

Here are examples of crystal components[sumber]

12 MHz Crystal and 18,083 MHz resonator

Here’s an example of a crystal physical form[sumber]

crystal for clock circuit
Crystal for clock circuit

To be able to generate a clock signal, crystals still need to be connected with several components. Examples of crystal-based oscillators such as the following[sumber]

Crystal Colpitts Oscillator circuit for clock with single transistor
Crystal Colpitts Oscillator

In most microcontrollers, it has been prepared with the clock circuit inside the microcontroller, so as to activate the crystal is quite connected to the microcontroller and added 2 pieces of capacitor. The capacitor values are generally adjusted to the type & crystal size used, and are already defined in the microcontroller datasheet. [sumber]

Crystal oscillators for microcontrollers/microprocessors

Crystal Oscillator with Temperature Compensation for Clock: TCXO, MCXO & OCXO

The usual crystal oscillator has weakness, which is the frequency value still changing against the temperature. To overcome this, it can be used crystals whose frequency is compensated for temperature changes. This component is referred to as Temperature Compensated Crystal (TCXO). At TCXO, compensation is made analogous to adding a certain series.

There is also digital compensation by adding microprocessors, with Microcontroller Compensation (MCXO) technology.

TCXO and MCXO are already available in the form of modules, making it easier to use.

The popular TCXO example is used as the real time clock is DS3231 from Maxim Integrated. DS3231 is sold in the form of modules that are already equipped with a Lithium battery so that the time stored in it is not lost if the power source is turned off.

Real Time Clock DS3231 clock circuit module
Real Time Clock DS3231
TCXO TG2520SMN from Epson


MCXO MX-503 from Microsemi (Microchip)

Temperature control Crystal oscillator (OCXO)

In this type of oscillator, as a source of frequency used crystals are maintained with a temperature control system. This system is also called as Crystal Oven or Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO)

OCXO dimensions are quite large, because in it there must be a series of heaters, temperature controllers and insulators so that the temperature is stable.

OCXO physical Form
OCXO physical Form

The precise comparison of crystal oscillators can be seen in the following table[source]

Crystal Oscillator Clock with GPS (Global Positioning System)

If the accuracy of the OCXO crystals is still lacking, the precision can still be improved using the help of GPS signals. This system is referred to as GPS Clock or GPS disciplined oscillator (GPSDO).

GPSDO system diagram block is as follows[sumber]

GPSDO Diagram block
GPSDO Diagram block


GPS Disciplined Oscillator as clock source circuits
GPSDO module

Clock Circuit Comparison

The clock circuits have various accuracy , drift, power and weight. We must weigh those factors when we choose suitable clock source for our electronic system.

Oscillator comparison

Here are the differences between common types of crystal oscillators:

  1. XO (Crystal Oscillator): An XO, or crystal oscillator, is the simplest and most common type of oscillator. It uses a quartz crystal resonator to generate a precise frequency. XO’s typically have a frequency stability of +/- 50 ppm (parts per million).

  2. MCXO (Microcomputer Compensated Crystal Oscillator): An MCXO is a type of oscillator that uses a microcomputer to compensate for changes in temperature and other environmental factors that can affect the oscillator’s frequency stability. MCXOs typically have a frequency stability of +/- 5 ppm.

  3. TCXO (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator): A TCXO is a type of oscillator that uses a temperature-compensating circuit to maintain a stable frequency over a range of temperatures. TCXOs typically have a frequency stability of +/- 1 ppm to 5 ppm.

  4. OCXO (Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator): An OCXO is a type of oscillator that uses a temperature-controlled oven to maintain a constant temperature around the crystal resonator, resulting in a high degree of frequency stability. OCXOs typically have a frequency stability of +/- 0.01 ppm to 0.1 ppm.

The main difference between these types of oscillators is their frequency stability, which is a measure of how well they can maintain a precise frequency over time and in varying environmental conditions. The stability of an oscillator is typically expressed in ppm (parts per million), with a lower ppm indicating a more stable oscillator. The cost of these oscillators also increases with their frequency stability, with XO being the cheapest and OCXO being the most expensive. The choice of oscillator will depend on the specific requirements and performance level needed for the application.



DC Motor Control Training Kit Survey

Here are some examples of DC motor control training kits for laboratory purposes. The search method is through search with the keyword "DC motor control trainer". The purpose of this survey is to compare with the built-in DC Motor Control laboratory module.

The first example is Quanser Engineering Trainer, DC Motor Control. This product is used by Lund University.

Photograph Of The QET DC Motor Control Trainer (DCMCT)
Screen Capture Of The QICii Software

Screen Capture Of The Haptic Ball And Beam System


The next product is the QNET Quanser 2.0 DC Motor Board.  The link to the product is at: https://www.quanser.com/products/qnet-2-0-dc-motor-board/. This product datasheet is at: https://www.quanser.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/QNET-2.0-DC-Motor-Datasheet-v1.0.pdf

QNET 2.0 DC Motor Board

It costs about INR 80000 according to https://www.zauba.com/import-qnet-hs-code.html, if it is estimated at Rp 16 million (assuming 1 INR = 200 IDR)

This device must be connected with NI ELVIS so that it can be used for practicum.

The third example is the DC Motor Control Trainer made by Leybold: https://www.leybold-shop.com/d-c-motor-control-trainer-70-005-230.html

DC Motor Control Trainer

DC motors require controllers, can be digital control systems, or analog control systems.

First example: The analog feedback controller is discussed in paper: "Analog Electronic Test Board for an Estimation of TIme Characteristics of thr Basic Element of Automatic Control Syst
ems" https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267192656_Analog_Electronic_Test_Board_for_an_Estimation_of_Time_Characteristics_of_the_Basic_Elements_of_Automatic_Control_Systems

AETB devices


  • Mechatronics: Ideas for Industrial Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 317

Example two: The following series is a simple PID control, from the site https://www.nutsvolts.com/magazine/article/the_pid_controller_part_1.

The idea of the series from the book Michael Jacob, Industrial Control Electronics: Applications and Design, Prentice Hall 1988


Third example: Analog PID Control Using Op-Amps

Source: https://neelpmehta.wordpress.com/analog-pid-control-using-op-amps/

PID Analog Controller

Literature: Sabri Cetinkunt, Mechatronics with Experiments, Wiley 2015

Motor Control Trainer:

DC Motor Control Module

List of components for the DC Motor test Kit

Digital Motor Control Kit
Digital Motor Control Kit

Here is a list of components for the manufacture of DC motor test kits:

  • DC 12 volt Motor Type 775
  • 8 mm stainless Steel main shaft
  • Pillow Bearing 8mm
  • Rotary Encoder 400 pulse, 6 mm shaft
  • Two pieces of Aluminium-5mm plate as moment of inertia
  • Closed Loop timing belt with length 160 mm
  • GT2 Pulley with 8 mm shaft (to be mounted on the main shaft)
  • GT2 Pulley with 6 mm shaft (for rotary encoder)
  • Terminal Block 12 Dots

Here is the price and seller store description for each of these components.

DC Motor 12 volt type 77
5Aliexpress with key frog "DC Motor 775" Exa
mple: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/775-DC-Motor-DC-12V-36V-3500-9000-RPM-Ball-Bearing-Large-Torque-High-Power-low/32814556057.html
Harga: USD 9.1

Bracket for the 775Aliexpress m
otor mount with the keyword: "775 bracket"
Example: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/775-Motor-Base-Electroplating-Fixed-Mounting-Base-Machine-Seat-Support-Bracket/32899494240.htm
lHarga: USD 2.71

8 mmTokopedia stainless steel m
ain shaft with keyword "STAINLESS 8 mm Shaft" Ex
ample: https://www.tokopedia.com/sinarsuksesabadi/8-mm-as-shaft-rod-stainless-steel-
1Harga: Rp 42000 per piece

Pillow Bearing 8m
mAliexpress/Tokopedia with keyword "pillow bearing 8 mm" Exa
mple: h
lHarga: USD 4.53 for 2 units

ga: IDR 20 thousand per unit

Rotary Encoder 400 pulse, shaft 6
Mmnumber of pulsejet can actually be any, more then more thorough.
If for speed control only, enough that 2 outputs: A and B
if for a position, it is better to use the 3 outputs: A, B and Z, so as not to bother to reset the position

Rotary Encoder example with 3 outputs: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/encoder-1000P-R-E6B2-CWZ1X-rotary-encoder/32745117460.html
Harga, USD 23.5

Rotary Encoder example with 2 outputs: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/AB-Two-phase-5-24V-400-Pulses-Incremental-Optical-Rotary-Encoder-1Pcs-set/32589295639.html
Price: USD 11.79

Aluminium Elbow-to-seat Rotary encoder. Adjustable size with rotary encoder size. Generally disposable that size is 50 mm
enough. On the tokopedia with the keyword "aluminum elbow 50x
50", example https://www.tokopedia.com/endoshop88/siku-aluminium-50-x-50x-t5-x-500

Price Rp 85 thousand

Two pieces of Aluminium 5mm plate as a moment of
Inertia and thick can be adjusted to the desire, such as how many moments of inertial are desirable for the trial kit. Sea
rchable by keyword "5 mm aluminium Plate" Example:
aluminium should also be connected to an 8 mm shaft, so it should be discussed first with a mechanical workshop that will work on it. It usually needs additional aluminum shaft to connect this aluminum plate to the 8 MMM stainless steel shaft

Price: Rp 60 thousand

Closed Loop timing belt with a length of 160 mm
Aliexpress with the keyword "timing belt closed", looking for its corresponding size.
Example: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/GT2-Closed-Loop-Timing-Belt-Rubber-2GT-6mm-3D-Printers-Parts-110-112-122-158-200/32902792119.html Pr
ice: USD 2.77 E
xample: https://www.tokopedia.com/nn-digital/gt2-16cm-closed-loop-timing-belt-width-6mm-for-3d-printer-cnc Pri
ce: Rp 21 thousand

GT2 Pulley with an 8 mm shaft (to be mounted on the main shaf
t) Example: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-GT2-20teeth-20-teeth-Timing-Alumium-Pulley-Bore-5mm-8mm-fit-for-GT2-6mm/32712763154.htmlH
arga: USD 0.73 E
xample: https://www.tokopedia.com/cvttg/cv-ttg-gt2-pulley-20-teeth-bore-8mm-for-3d-print-reprap-8-mmHar
ga: Rp 25 thousand

GT2 Pulley with 6 mm shaft (for rotary encoder) Exa
mple: https://www.tokopedia.com/mkontrol/pulley-2gt-20-16-tooth-gear-bandwidth-of-6-mm-bore-58-mm-gt2-pulleyHar
ga: Rp 18 thousand

Terminal Block 12 titi
lHarga: Rp 9500


  • The price and availability of the components in each store are subject to change. Preferably checked in various stores to get the cheapest price.
  • Postage varies depending on the seller and the shipping distance
  • Size can be modified, e.g. shaft size is 8 mm, but can also use other sizes.
  • Mounting price is not included. In the example of using wooden mat so easy, but if you want better can also use a holder of an aluminium or iron plate.

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