Tampak samping P3022

Sensor Sudut P3022-V1-CW360 Berbasis Efek Hall

Tampak samping P3022
Tampak samping P3022
Tampak depan P3022
Tampak depan P3022
Terminal pada P3022
Terminal pada P3022
P3022 dengan bracket terpasang
P3022 dengan bracket terpasang
P3022 dengan bracket
P3022 dengan bracket

Sensor ini menggunakan konektor jenis ‘turret tag’, yang cara menyambungnya adalah dengan disolder, seperti berikut ini:

Turret terminal dengan solder
Turret terminal dengan solder

Informasi Teknis

P3022-V1-CW360 Deskripsi
P3022-V1-CW360 Deskripsi


The Hall Angle Sensor is a miniature 360 degree sensor which works based on the principle of the Hall effect. It is compatible with the DFRobot Gravity sensor interface, and works with a 5V DC power supply. The analog output is also 0~5V so it can work directly with Arduino.

The Hall angle sensor works by converting its angle information to an electrical signal. When the rotation angle of the object is passed to the axis of rotation sensors, it outputs an electrical signal that is proportional to the rotational angle.

The angular sensor shell is constructed from robust aluminum alloy, using Hall-type non-contact technology. It includes high-quality imported high-speed stainless steel bearings and other components for reduced frictional resistance when taking readings.

The unit offers a long service life and is compact, with a high resolution, smooth rotation and dynamic noise. This unit is guarantees performance in various harsh industrial environments and is protected from electromagnetic interference, water, oil, vibration and shock. A typical application is crank angle sensing and steering angle measurement.


P3022-V1-CW360 Technical Information
P3022-V1-CW360 Technical Information


  • Mechanical Angle: 0-360° (No stop)
  • Operating Voltage: 5V ± 10%
  • Operating Current: <13.5mA
  • Output Signal: 0-5V DC (Ratio)
  • Resolution: 0.088° (12-bit ADC)
  • Accuracy: ± 0.3% FS
  • Output Shaft Dimension: 6 mm (D Sharp)
  • Rotational Torque: <5mN·m
  • Refresh Rate: 0.6ms / 0.2ms (high speed)
  • Operating Temperature: -30 ℃ ~ +80 ℃
  • Allowable Axial Load: Horizontal <5N; Vertical <10N
  • Protection Class: IP40
  • Mechanical Life:> 50 million revolutions
  • Weight: 36g


P3022-V1-CW360 Dimensi
P3022-V1-CW360 Dimensi



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