List of components for the DC Motor test Kit

Digital Motor Control Kit
Digital Motor Control Kit

Here is a list of components for the manufacture of DC motor test kits:

  • DC 12 volt Motor Type 775
  • 8 mm stainless Steel main shaft
  • Pillow Bearing 8mm
  • Rotary Encoder 400 pulse, 6 mm shaft
  • Two pieces of Aluminium-5mm plate as moment of inertia
  • Closed Loop timing belt with length 160 mm
  • GT2 Pulley with 8 mm shaft (to be mounted on the main shaft)
  • GT2 Pulley with 6 mm shaft (for rotary encoder)
  • Terminal Block 12 Dots

Here is the price and seller store description for each of these components.

DC Motor 12 volt type 77
5Aliexpress with key frog "DC Motor 775" Exa
Harga: USD 9.1

Bracket for the 775Aliexpress m
otor mount with the keyword: "775 bracket"
lHarga: USD 2.71

8 mmTokopedia stainless steel m
ain shaft with keyword "STAINLESS 8 mm Shaft" Ex
1Harga: Rp 42000 per piece

Pillow Bearing 8m
mAliexpress/Tokopedia with keyword "pillow bearing 8 mm" Exa
mple: h
lHarga: USD 4.53 for 2 units
ga: IDR 20 thousand per unit

Rotary Encoder 400 pulse, shaft 6
Mmnumber of pulsejet can actually be any, more then more thorough.
If for speed control only, enough that 2 outputs: A and B
if for a position, it is better to use the 3 outputs: A, B and Z, so as not to bother to reset the position

Rotary Encoder example with 3 outputs:
Harga, USD 23.5

Rotary Encoder example with 2 outputs:
Price: USD 11.79

Aluminium Elbow-to-seat Rotary encoder. Adjustable size with rotary encoder size. Generally disposable that size is 50 mm
enough. On the tokopedia with the keyword "aluminum elbow 50x
50", example

Price Rp 85 thousand

Two pieces of Aluminium 5mm plate as a moment of
Inertia and thick can be adjusted to the desire, such as how many moments of inertial are desirable for the trial kit. Sea
rchable by keyword "5 mm aluminium Plate" Example:
aluminium should also be connected to an 8 mm shaft, so it should be discussed first with a mechanical workshop that will work on it. It usually needs additional aluminum shaft to connect this aluminum plate to the 8 MMM stainless steel shaft

Price: Rp 60 thousand

Closed Loop timing belt with a length of 160 mm
Aliexpress with the keyword "timing belt closed", looking for its corresponding size.
Example: Pr
ice: USD 2.77 E
xample: Pri
ce: Rp 21 thousand

GT2 Pulley with an 8 mm shaft (to be mounted on the main shaf
t) Example:
arga: USD 0.73 E
ga: Rp 25 thousand

GT2 Pulley with 6 mm shaft (for rotary encoder) Exa
ga: Rp 18 thousand

Terminal Block 12 titi
lHarga: Rp 9500


  • The price and availability of the components in each store are subject to change. Preferably checked in various stores to get the cheapest price.
  • Postage varies depending on the seller and the shipping distance
  • Size can be modified, e.g. shaft size is 8 mm, but can also use other sizes.
  • Mounting price is not included. In the example of using wooden mat so easy, but if you want better can also use a holder of an aluminium or iron plate.

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