Sensor Asap HIS-07

Berikut ini sensor asap HIS-07 yang menggunakan radiasi dari Americium-241. Radiasi ini menabrak partikel debu yang ada di udara, dan jumlah tabrakan ini dihitung sebagai jumlah asap yang ada di udara.
Sensor asap dengan ion chamber
Sensor asap dengan ion chamber
Sensor asap bagian bawah
Sensor asap bagian bawah

Fungsi utama sensor ini tentunya adalah untuk mendeteksi adanya asap di udara. Namun karena di dalamnya mengandung Americium yang radioaktif, sensor ini berguna juga sebagai sumber radiasi untuk menguji sensor radiasi geiger counter.

Product description

1) Ionization source characteristics and radiation safety performance:
2) The ionization chamber fitted with a high performance and low activity of Am-241 ionization
3) Ionization source activity: 0.5uCi ( 18KBq ) 0.8uCi±10% ( 30KBq±10% )
4) Ionization source a spectroscopy: peak: 4.5MeV ± 10%, FW HM<0.7MeV
5) Safety grading standards ( GB4075, IS02919 ) C64444
6) Ionization chamber radiation dose rate at 25cm: 0.03mGy/ ( 1mGy value lower than population dose standard )
7) Ionization chamber specification, parameter:
8) Conditions: outer electrode and the source electrode voltage ( VDD supply voltage ): 9V
9) Environment temperature: 20 + C: close to atmospheric pressure standard atmospheric pressure, clean air
10) Collecting electrode equilibrium potential: 5.3~6.5V
11) Collecting electrode potential with the smoke concentration change
12) Light reduction rate was 1% feet: 0.6V
13) Light reduction rate was 4% feet: 2.2V
14) Insulator leakage current ( Max ): 0.5Pa
16) Capacitor ( collection of extreme outer electrode + to the source base ): 6.0pF

package included:
2pcs NAP-07 HIS-07 Ion Chamber smoke SB-sensor (NAP-07)

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Contoh rangkaian:

Smoke Sensor Manual Rv0

Rangkaian sensor asap
Rangkaian sensor asap

Datasheet [EN]

Datasheet berikut diambil dari


This specification sheet is for ionization smoke chamber model HIS-07 (radiation source-0.5 microcurie Am-241, 2 chambers with a source, made in compliance with UL 217, EN-54-7) for applications to smoke detectors.

2. Radiation source:
Nuclide ; americium 241
Radioactivity;Ave.33.3 KBq. =0.9μ CI(29K~37KBq)
3.Operational conditions:

  • Power supply; DC9V
  • Operational ambient conditions;
  • Temperature 0–50℃
  • Humidity less than 95 (No dew condensation)

4.Maximum ratings:

Supply voltage; DC 24V
Operation; Temperature -10…+60℃ , Humidity less than 95%
Storage: Temperature -25…+80℃ , Humidity less than 95%

6.Shape,dimensions, weight;

Shape; As per attached drawing
Dimensions; 22.0×Ф 42mm
Weight; 12g.

7. Ratings:

Test conditions; at 25℃,60% RH

Items Specifications
Supply voltage DC 9V
Current consumption 27±3pA
Output voltage 5.6±0.4 V in clean air
Sensitivity 0.6 ± 0.1 V at 2%/foot of smoke

(Tested according to UL 217)


8-1.Sensitivity characteristics
Table 1 Test conditions ;at 25℃,60% RH

output Variation (△V)
0 5.6±0.4 0
1 5.3±0.5 0.3±0.1
2 5.0±0.5 0.6±0.1
3 4.7±0.5 0.9±0.2
4 4.4±0.5 1.2±0.2
5 4.2±0.5 1.4±0.2

Gray smoke test according to UL 217 Air velocity;0.16m/sec.

8-2. Supply voltage dependency
Table 2 Test conditions ;at 25℃,60% RH

Supply voltage(V) Output voltage(V)
6 3.3±0.3
9 5.6±0.4
12 8.0±0.7
15 10.0±0.85
18 13.0±1.0

8-3 Temperature & Humidity dependency

Table 3 Temperature dependency

Temperature(℃) Output (V)
0 Output(V)
25 5.6±0.4
50 5.85±0.4

Table 3 Humidity dependency

Humidity(%C) Output (V)
30 5.75±0.5
60 5.6±0.4
90 5.45±0.4

9.Durability tests;
9-1.Heat resistance test

Test method criteria
At +80 ℃ ± 5 ℃ for 72 hrs. Without
To maintain the characteristics shown in
Heading No.8 after test .To show neither
deforming, nor discoloring, nor cracks .

9-2. Low temperature resistance

Test method criteria
At -30℃±5℃ for 72 hrs . without
To maintain the characteristics shown in
Heading No.8 after test .To show neither
deforming, nor discoloring, nor cracks .

9-3.High humidity resistance

Test method criteria
At +40℃±5℃& 85 ±5% RH for 72
hrs . without electrified
To maintain the characteristics shown in
Heading No.8 after test .To show neither
deforming, nor discoloring, nor cracks .

9-4.Vibration test

Test method criteria
Vibrated with amplitude of 0.25mm at every 5Hz from 10 — 35Hz for 15 min . with sympathetic vibration. If no  sympathetic vibration occurs, to be vibrated at 35Hz for
4 hour .
To maintain the characteristics shown in Heading No.8 after test .To show neither deforming, nor discoloring, nor cracks .

9-5.Impact test

Test method criteria
Dropped from a height of 1 m on to wooden plate with 3 different directions . To maintain the characteristics shown in Heading No.8 after test .To show neither
deforming, nor discoloring, nor cracks

TEL:86-371-67169070 67169080
FAX:86 371 67169090
10. Remarks
10.1 Output voltage is to be measured using an electrometer with more than 1014 of impedance or an exclusively designed measuring circuit with Ics . Normal testers with around 100MΩ impedance would be insufficient for measurement .
10.2 Upon assembling detectors ,attention is to be paid not to let a soldering flux get inside smoke chambers .If inside of the chambers is contaminated ,cleaning or washing is necessary .
10.3 The output lead wire of a chamber and an input terminal of a circuit must be connected in air to keep the connected point away from the surface of a PC board(usually a teflon pin is used to support the connected point) .Because of the resistance level of paper phenol PC boards , current leakage will occur on to the PC board . This will prevent to read correct outputs .
10.4 The connected point of the lead wire and the input terminal of an FET or an IC must be protected from humidity using a silicon resin or the like so that current leakage from the packages will be minimized .
10.5 Because of the necessity of reading a tiny current put out from the chamber ,this sensor must be electrically shielded to minimize noises from the outside .As the most sensitive part to noises is the connected part of the lead wire and the input the terminal of a circuit ,this part must definitely be shielded .

Smoke sensor circuit
Smoke sensor circuit

TEL:86-371-67169070 67169080
FAX:86 371 67169090


  •  (Chinese)
  • HIS-07 Manual (PDF)