Geiger counter

Geiger Counter

Geiger counter
Sensor radiasi Geiger counter
  • Arduino Compatible Board
  • Geiger Tube is included !
  • Could be connected to PC directly to do realtime moniting.
     we also provide free matlab source code to do moniting and analysis.
Testing Video:
 This Nuclear Radiation DIY Detector Kit. Arduino compatible kit. Can drive M4011,STS-5, SBM20 or
J305 Geiger tubes on the PCB. Has voltage compatibility with all popular GM Tubes that requires anode voltage 350-500V.
The kit has visual and sound indication of the radiation and can be used as detector of dangerous radiation levels or radioactive materials in your environment. Excellent cheap solution for Arduino COSM monitoring station.
Good kit for MCU software developers that just want to drive Geiger Tube for their own software. Include PDF manual with instruction and Arduino code examples. The kit is compatible with “Radiation Logger” via Arduino SPI.
This eBay lot for one (1) assembled soldered calibrated board of radiation detector with GM Tube(M4011).
Piking list:
1 x  Assembled Radiation Detector system
1 x  GM Tube(M4011), already assembled on PCB board.
1 x  Power supply cable
1 x  Materials are sent through email address.
1 x  Battery Holder (without batteries)
3 x  Jumper Wires
Arduino circuit
Arduino circuit
Technical specifications:
Geiger Tube PCB Compatibility: M4011, STS-5, SBM-20, J305
Geiger Tube Voltage Compatibility: All General GM Tubes with anode voltage 350-480V
Sound and Visual Indication
Arduino Compatible
Supply Voltage: 5V; 3x 1.5V Battery; 4x 1.2V Battery
Include high impedance voltage divider
Supply Current: 12mA – 30mA
Dimensions: 120 x 50 mm
Shipping Weight: 150gr
Arduino MCU Communication:
The PCB has 3 pins for communication with MCU: INT, GND, 5V. You can power up the kit from 5V Arduino board directly. Or,
if you use batteries for Geiger Kit, you have to connect only 2 pins to Arduino: INT and GND.
There is many different application you can use this kit, especially if you are software developer. The board send 500 uS
high-low-high interrupts to Arduino. We offer 2 simple sketches as an example, please modify it for your needs. We do not provide technical support for Arduino code.
You can learn more at home page of arduino.
Actually its possible to use this kit with any other microcontroller, not only Arduino boards because it has the same principles, but if you are beginner it will be easy to start with Arduino.
M4011 Geiger Tube Specification:
Tin oxide Cathode, Coaxial cylindrical thin shell structure(Wall density 50±10cg/cm2),Application of pulse type halogen tube
application temperature:-40°C~55°C
Could be used for :γRay 20mR/h~120mR/h
               and β Ray in range  100~1800 ChangingIndex/minutes·CM2 soft β Ray
               (Both beta and gamma radiation detetion)
Working Voltage: 380-450V
Working Current: 0,015-0,02 mA
Sensivity to Gamma Radiation: 0.1 MeV
Own Background: 0,2 Pulses/s
Length:  88mm

Diameter: 10mmM4011 Geiger Tube Characteristic Curve:

M4011 Geiger tube characteristic curve
M4011 Geiger tube characteristic curve


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