Arduino Nano Dengan LCD Matrix JHD12864E

Spesifikasi LCD Matrix JHD12864E

  • Blue backlight
  • White dot color
  • Module size(W x H x T) : 93.0 X 70.0 X 13.0 mm
  • Viewing area(W x H) : 72.0 X 40.0 mm
  • Number of dots : 128 X 64 dots
  • Dots size(W x H) : 0.48 X 0.48 mm
  • Dots pitch(W x H) : 0.52 X 0.52 mm

Dalam contoh ini library yang digunakan untuk mengakses LCD adalah openGLCD (

Berikut ini contoh software dan outputnya:

*  openGLCD Library – Hello World
* This sketch prints “Hello World!” to the LCD
* and shows the time in seconds since Arduino board was reset.
*  2013-06-15 bperrybap   – updates for openGLCD
*  2011-09-14 Bill Perry  – original creation

// include the library header
// no font headers have to be included
#include <openGLCD.h>

void setup()
// Initialize the GLCD

// Select the font for the default text area

//  GLCD.print(F(“hello, world!”)); // keep string in flash on AVR boards with IDE 1.x
//  GLCD.Puts(F(“hello, world!”)); // Puts() supports F() with any version of IDE

// print() below uses RAM on AVR boards but works
// on any version of IDE with any processor
// note: Same is true for Puts()
GLCD.print(“hello, world!”);
GLCD.CursorTo(0, 1);
GLCD.print(“EL3014 Sismik!”);

void loop()
// set the cursor to column 0, line 1
// (note: line 1 is the second row, since counting begins with 0):
GLCD.CursorTo(0, 2);

// print the number of seconds since reset:

Arduino Nano V3 mengendalikan LCD dot matrix JHD12864

Arduino Nano V3 mengendalikan LCD dot matrix JHD12864


LCD Matrix JHD12864E bagian belakang
LCD Matrix JHD12864E bagian belakang
LCD Matrix JHD12864E bagian depan
LCD Matrix JHD12864E bagian depan






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