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Display for microprocessors

Interfacing LOLIN32 LITE to E-INK Heltec display

Interfacing LOLIN32 LITE to E-INK Heltec display

Here are some of the display types that are often used for Arduino-based microprocessor systems:

The interface used to display is:

Parallel communication uses multiple pins, as each bit uses 1 path. The serial interface only requires a little pin. New output displays are generally already using serial communication.

Here is an example ESP32 LOLIN32 Lite interface with E-INK display, using the SPI protocol.

LOLIN32 LITE interface with E-INK Heltec display


Here’s the ESP32 Lolin32 Lite interface with an OLED display of 0.91 “, using the I2C protocol.

ESP32 Lolin32 Lite with OLED 91




Here is ESP32 with TFT LCD display based on ST7789 chip with a resolution of 240×240 RGB

ESP32 with TFT ST7789



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